Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (406 Views)
The small intestine continues from the pylorus to the cecum, and its main function is digestion and absorption of nutrients. Morphometric data of small intestine structures are related to its function. Therefore, in this study, the volume of the different layers forming the small intestine of the rat at birth in different segments has been calculated with stereology. A total of five newborn rats were used. The total volume of each segment was calculated by dividing the intestinal weight by its specific gravity. After systematic uniform random sampling of each segment of the small intestine, a point counting system was placed on the images of the tissue sections, then the relative volume of the tunica mucosa, tela submucosa and tunica muscularis was estimated. The total volume of the duodenum jejunum and ileum was 0.0502±0.00497 cm3, 0.1501±0.01124 cm3 and 0.0213±0.00279 cm3, respectively. The fractional volume of the tunica mucosa was estimated as 40.77±2.55% in duodenum, 54.89±2.34% in jejunum and 42.24±1.87 % in ileum. The volume fraction of the tela submucosa was 26.89±1.26% in duodenum, 22.04±1.84% in jejunum and 16.23±1.2 % in ileum which indicated a significant difference between various segments of the small intestine (p<0.05). The tunica muscularis made up 32.33±1.47 %, 23.05±2.11 % and 41.51±1.38 % of the whole intestine in duodenum, jejunum and ileum, respectively. This parameter was also significant between intestinal segments (p<0.05).
These quantitative data may provide a reliable reference value thus contributing to veterinary gastroenterology and to the experimental research on intestinal pathophysiology.
Bojarzadeh H, Sadeghinezhad J, Bahrami M, Shahipour M. Volumetric study on small intestine in newborn rat using design-based stereology technique. injvr 2024; 4 (2) :35-40 URL: