Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (601 Views)
The greentiger barb (Puntius tetrazona) is a tropical ornamental fish that is very popular in research and the fish aquarium trade. In an ornamental fish farm, losses of 6 to 12 per day were reported in green tiger barb juvenile aquariums. After examining the farm environment and aquarium water quality, fish samples were taken. Euthanasia was performed and after the autopsy, wet smears from the skin, gills, and intestine were taken. In the microscopic examination of samples, internal parasites including Capillariasp.and Hexamita sp. were detected from two different aquariums. Based on references, treatment with levamisole forCapillariasp. and metronidazole for Hexamita sp. was started, which was associated with a reduction in mortality. After two weeks, a re-sampling of the treated aquariums was performed and the samples were negative for Capillariasp.and Hexamita sp.. As a result, levamisole and metronidazole can be reported as suitable prescriptions for the treatment of these diseases in green tiger barb.
Malek Ahmadi B, Rahmati-Holasoo H, Momeninejad A. Infestation of green tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona) with Capillaria sp. and Hexamita sp. parasites in an ornamental fish farm. injvr 2022; 2 (1) :15-21 URL: http://injvr.com/article-1-28-en.html